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Team Fortress 2

Discussion in 'PC Games' started by japes, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. HaXxorIzed

    HaXxorIzed Member

    Nov 9, 2009
    Darwin, Australia
    Teams / Clans that play tf2 competitively are more likely to stack one side and play together because there's very little, if any benefit or 'challenge' or 'training' to come from opposing each other on two sides of a public server. There are matches / scrims / pickup games for training, as well as deathmatch servers - these are far more useful for time invested. Hence they'll usually play pub for fun, with friends. That comes off as arrogant, but in my own experience it is the truth, time and time again.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2011
  2. Bert

    Bert Member

    Feb 21, 2002
    I tend to agree with this. In the case of my clan, we don't play competitively, we're just a pub clan. We just enjoy playing on the same team as we play 'TEAM Fortress", rather than the "I Fortress" that so many people seem to be playing.

    It's about changing classes when need be, even if it means playing a class that you normally don't enjoy as much. It's about backing eachother up. It's about communication!!!

    The biggest issue I see with the people that cry and have their team get rolled is 1.) People don't play for the team (i.e. no one goes medic when there's 2 or 3 needed). 2.) People don't improve their gameplay (i.e. pyros that just keep running at the opposition W+M1 style).

    This has always been an issue on public servers, and it has only gotten worse since F2P came in.

    You could argue that these situations happen because so many players are new and don't play the game very well yet, but I think that's a minor part of it. As an example, a good buddy of mine has recently switched to TF2 (used to play L4D2 exclusively for the last year or two). This guy has been playing TF2 for less than 1 month and is regularly getting MVPs. I guess my point with that is; Inexperience isn't the issue as much as attitude, approach to the game and using your grey matter is.

    We play for fun on public servers, and it ain't much fun if you're stuck with a bunch of dicks that just don't want to work together to complete the objective. Playing with your mates or clan mates is the best option, so that you can actually play the game how it's meant to be played :)
  3. GDavid

    GDavid Member

    Apr 12, 2009
    Oakden, SA
    G'David wants to burn for OCAU... :weirdo:

    How true an observation...:thumbup:
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
  4. gruntLOL

    gruntLOL Member

    Aug 11, 2007
    Anyone having problems with steam validating TF2 cache every time you launch steam? holy crap thats annoying.
  5. kreegor

    kreegor Member

    Apr 24, 2007
    Hmm... I got the RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code last night.

    Anyone want it?

    I think the drop system is broken.... at least for me. I have 2 mates that I play with regularly, one is an old schooler and the other a f2per and they both get much better items, more regularly than I do.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2011
  6. millsy

    millsy Member

    Mar 31, 2007
    Random drops are random, you only notice the desirable items more ;)
  7. RedeSiGn

    RedeSiGn Member

    Jan 23, 2009
    Perth-ish, W.A.
    I recently crafted a few weapons figuring I shouldn't bother waiting for them to drop only to have exactly that happen.

    Which made me come up with the following idea:
    What if you could 'un-craft' or deassemble crafted weapons into their respective components at the cost of 1 scrap to do it?

    the 1 scrap prevents abuse of the system, and only the original owner/crafter could take it apart.

  8. GDavid

    GDavid Member

    Apr 12, 2009
    Oakden, SA
    +1 from me, same thing in person...
  9. Clippit

    Clippit Member

    Sep 12, 2003
    Dreary Outpost (Tasmania)
    I know where you're coming from and I agree it is much more fun to play the game properly. The trouble is, this way of thinking just ends up being selfish and elitist. In this case the game is all about you enjoying it with your clan mates, and the fact that the other team is getting totally rolled, and probably not enjoying it, doesn't matter.

    It's like going down to the park with your mates and jumping (uninvited) into someone's friendly game of volleyball or frisbee or cricket or whatever, and dominating them all with your superior skill and teamwork. No matter how bad they are, it doesn't make it ok for you to come in and (knowingly) take over the game.

    If your clan is so good that they can't play together in a public server without making it one-sided, then they should stick to the more organised scene where they can get a fair challenge that everyone signed up for.
  10. hoonda75

    hoonda75 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
    Land of Coopers & FUIC

    I do not beleive it, a post from good ol'Clip that was not some random jest/wtf? (do not get me wrong, I like your random comments Clip) and that I 100% agree with.

    I find it funny how some people have ago at others for doing exactly what they do :Pirate: i.e. "pub stacks"/playing with clan mates.
  11. Bert

    Bert Member

    Feb 21, 2002
    But it's not the same. No one is crashing anyone's game.. they are playing on public servers which are provided for everyone to play on. The game belongs to the server owner, who, in most cases, is rarely present. One could also say that the noobs come in and wreck the public game that other people (who want to play the game as it's meant to be played) are playing.

    I never said my clan is good. My point is that the average pub player is bad, and not necessarily due to their in-experience or skill level. A pub clan normally is a bunch of people that join a group together out of mateship. They tend to be players that frequent the same servers and enjoy playing together. Pub clans generally don't have organised practices, don't play competition, and don't work on strats. They just enjoy playing the game together as they work well together (i.e. play for the game objective, even if that means you switch from sniper, of which your team may already have 3).

    Games like TF2 are about competing with others. The point is to win the game, otherwise why play?

    I'd also like to add that I rarely see the people who complain about stacking ever switch sides to try and even things up when their team is rolling the opposition ;)
  12. RedeSiGn

    RedeSiGn Member

    Jan 23, 2009
    Perth-ish, W.A.
    The other problem is that it's not too hard to be accused of stacking teams if they opposition has 2 or 3 people not playing. At the same time some of the 'idle-detection' on servers is so aggressive that you cannot even run to the bathroom between maps before you get kicked.

    I don't have a problem with losing, as long as I'm having fun. Problem is that the most fun happens due to a well co-ordinated team with mics deciding to piss around.
    All combat engineers pushing the cart on Hoodoo? Hell yeah.
    Starting a payload map on BLU and the whole team is cloaked spies (to begin with)? Hell yeah.
    Everyone going demoknight? Hell yeah.
    Full team of medics popping ubers to block captures and just about keeping it up indefinitely? Hell yeah.

    Despite all of the above being done for shits and giggles, the team has been accused of stacking only because the opposition wasn't co-ordinated enough to realise that all of the above are easy to counter if you play the right class.
  13. Rusty X5

    Rusty X5 Member

    Nov 8, 2007
    A Very Cold Place
    +1..i agree to all of this. My fun in this game is all about the teamplay/teamwork. I dont mind losing if your team is doing there job and ppl are listening to comms and advice and we simple get outplayed by a better team..thats fine, but is when ppl do there own shit, or dont listen..for example, your a medic with kritz, and you say the guys name your gonna kritz, and you tell him to get ready and reload and such...you hit kritz..and he runs away :rolleyes: . That sort of crap shits me to tears and if that happened one time many times on a server..i'll swap teams or find another server.

    Was funny the other day..i did exactly that, swapped teams then one guy said 'nice stack/team swap' then another guy on that team simply said "if you retards actually listened and done something he probably wouldn't have team-swapped" :thumbup:

    In other news..finally got a strange minigun...took all 5 keys to get though :(.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  14. Vassili

    Vassili Member

    Aug 27, 2003
    Sunshine Coast, QLD
    Normally the team swappers are part of the "very average sniper/spy gang" who just want an easier time on the winning team. I love giving them a bit of shit about it.
  15. Luke212

    Luke212 Member

    Feb 26, 2003
    i dont play unless i have friends to play with. its boring otherwise. being a medic, the most annoying thing is having noone to uber.

    second most annoying is being on 100%, selecting someone, and they wait 20m behind the front line waiting for you to uber them. after 10 seconds of waiting for them to run to the front line, an opponent will drop in and kill you. then your teammate calls you an f'ing moron. :sick:
  16. RedeSiGn

    RedeSiGn Member

    Jan 23, 2009
    Perth-ish, W.A.
    I've rarely used sprays up until now, but I think the following have changed my mind:

    Click to view full size!

    Click to view full size!

    Hopefully these should educate teammates and make them understand why the rest of the team is yelling at them.
  17. Clippit

    Clippit Member

    Sep 12, 2003
    Dreary Outpost (Tasmania)
    I'm talking about relative skill levels and the idea of 'sportsmanship'. In this situation the game belongs collectively to the players involved. Everyone in the game is responsible for making it enjoyable, yes, even the baddies. However there's arguably a greater onus on you as the 'thinking' player to also consider 'sportsmanship' and fairness.

    Some baddies can't help being bad. Some are just being lazy and selfish. Most of the time though, they're just not quite as good and coordination compared to the other team.
    It's easy not to be aware of team stacking when you're on the winning team, but if you do become aware of it then you really should do something about it. That applies even more if you go into the game knowing it's likely to be one-sided.

    In the end TF2 (and lots of other games) are full of humiliations and walkovers, random spam, cheap tactics and general chaos and hilarity, so there's probably a limit to how seriously you can take them. When it becomes round after round of one team getting totally smashed by the other though, it gets a bit lame. That sort of thing was rife in BF2 as it was motivated by the persistent stats and the points=ranks=toys system. And it sucked balls to be on the wrong side of as I'm sure everyone remembers. That's not present in TF2 though, so there's really no point playing like that.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  18. BurningFeetMan

    BurningFeetMan Member

    Apr 22, 2003
    A Place of Tubers
    The thing that pisses me off the most in TF2, is when players log onto a public server and start voicing "their" strategies, only to then get frustrated at the lack of team enthusiasm, then start raging about how the team is a bunch of fucking cowards, etc.

    You're playing on a public server. People like doing their own thing, playing at their own pace. For me, usually I'm playing to either unwind and have fun, or rid myself of an insidious hangover. You wouldn't go to a gaming arcade and start telling random people on how to play their game, so why carry on like that in a public server?
  19. Bert

    Bert Member

    Feb 21, 2002
    Agreed, and I do switch sides sometimes when it's a complete rolling of the other team. This is something I see maybe a couple of percent of players do. Others, including the ones that cry the loudest about this stuff never do it when the shoe is on the other foot (unfortunately).

    You don't play team pinball or team pacman at the arcade.... It's a team game that relies on others to pull their weight to contribute to a common goal.

    I find that you can actually help people learn the game and improve by guiding them (note, not yelling at them). Some people appreciate it and get involved... others are just ignorant.

    You can play the game any way you want to, but if you're just there to unwind and are not interest in following some basic strats that will help the team achieve the goal of the game, then don't have a cry when players that DO want to get involved switch to the other team and steam roll yours. I think that's a very fair approach to the game ;)
  20. BurningFeetMan

    BurningFeetMan Member

    Apr 22, 2003
    A Place of Tubers
    Red team, blue team... I've played countless matches, that all I see is one big purple blur. :tired:

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