Official Blog Official FAQ Official Twitter OpenStreetMap Usage Information 2014 streets from 10-30 million Tip/Opinion Blog Tip/Informational Blog Tip Twitter (Updated Often) Signature Generator MCSTools - GreaseMonkey Script MCSBot - Tool for Multi-Accounting & Auto-Building MCSBot Released Features: Added Spear End Towers Allows you to recheck streets every 5 buildings to ensure you are filling all slots. UI cleaned up and adjusted. Removed stoppage on unknown chance card. Earning Money Getting Started Chance Cards General Information Compilation of all essential resources for MCS players.
Make sure you check these out before they are all gone: 2014 streets from 10-30 million
After work this afternoon I'll post up a how-to to get that tool working. I had missing ocx files also. It does have a couple of flaws but i'll also explain what they are and how to get around them to make it work
Ok. Where is XP comp mode? I right click it, go to properties > compatability and it only has Windows 95, Windows 98 / Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5), Windows 2000. Help? D:
I have it in Win7. Are the .ocx files there? Also make sure you have this:
How to get MCSBot working This is what i've learned from running MCSBot on Win7 x64 I was missing two ocx files. msflxgrd.ocx and MSWINSCK.OCX Search google for these files, I was able to download them from one of the first few links. Save these to your MCSBot folder. Register them using the command: regsvr32 C:\MCSbot\msflxgrd.ocx /u regsvr32 C:\MCSbot\mswinsck.ocx /u Obviously replace the path to the path you're using. Next set the compatibility mode to WinXP SP2. This is all you need to do to get the app running. Now some notes on its usage: To save account details, click the checkbox for 'modify', then click an empty slot above. IMPORTANT - username must be all lower case or it will not work Click 'Extras' and open the debug window. You will need it 'Fill all streets with green houses' works but its buggy so you have to monitor it. Watch the debug window and you will see it tries to create a house at every 2nd position (1, 3, 5 etc). Watching the debug output you will notice it gets to a point where it seems to be building houses too quickly, time to intervene. It is possible the street is now full (it cannot detect if it is once it has started building) -OR- you need to click 'Stop All' and click 'Fill all' again. You will notice its now trying to build at even numbers instead of odd (or vice versa). Repeat this step periodically until the debug window says the street is full. 'Find expensive streets' works but it is very slow & meticulous. I left it run overnight and woke up to a list of streets averaging in price of $5billion I do not have my account logged in through the web browser when using this tool, rather I log in when I get a chance card then log out before continuing to build. Have fun!
I had a problem getting the ocx files to register under Vista 64 and kept on getting a "module not compatible with your version of windows error". I figured that the program was pretty simple and knocked up my own version in php. The way the game is programmed means is really open to exploitation and buying houses really only requires a couple of requests, one to get the available locations and then another to buy the house. The only issue is that it takes a while to run and often goes over the default php 30sec timeout. I can run it on my machine with wampserver, but does anyone from OCAU want to host it? I attached a screenshot in all of its web 2.0 UI glory. Basically got it set up to fill the street with Grid buildings then fill in the gaps with the green houses. Not sure if I will put in anything to manage chance cards though. Technically it is possible but I'm not sure I want to spend too much more time on it. Click to view full size! Will have to wait until I get my rent tomorrow to try it out on one of my bigger streets.
Yeah I could add all the buildings, but I find that a grid/greenhouse combo is pretty efficient for the longer streets. I had a script that scanned for empty streets as well but since I last ran it (day of reset) all the 10m+ properties in Oz seem to have been sold.
I like it a lot!! that is great sreg0r!! I have used the MCSBot, and would like to be able to change the building type, so yours is better. Need someone to host!
Yeah, love the idea. I snapped up a $13mil street and it could be a tedious task putting buildings on it.