hey peeps ive heard alot about the citrix environment. but i dont actually knw what it is. can some one please give us a small explanation of a citrix envoronment, my currernt understanding of this is that it is a data based program that working across a large scale network? i dont know if that is correct or not, but if any one knows what it is can someone possibly help me out
Originally, Citrix was the first big name (that I can remember) to market thin-client technology (Thin clients akin to graphical versions of dumb terminals, where the desktop is actually running off the server and the thin client just manages the user I/O - display, keyboard, mouse, etc.). Citrix now looks to have expanded beyond that original product: http://www.citrix.com/lang/English/ps2/technology/index.asp Ta, Dave.
When Citrix first went to market, it was a multi-terminal thin client/server extension to the WindowsNT v3.5x operating system. The idea was more or less copied from Unix/X-Windows, in that you could run a client that would display the user interface and environment on a server. Good for environments with lots of standardised desktops or low power computers but ample bandwidth. Then MS got into the market with 'Hydra', released as Windows Terminal Server. Now, Citrix licenses their technology to microsoft and focusses more on development of the client portions of the tech.
We run Citrix in our work environment. To give you an idea, we have 60 odd Citrix servers providing 1400 odd terminals across australia with a windows desktop/and/or application availablility. Is a fairly awesome product, we've got ONE person who manages all these servers, so it says something for the reliability of it.
havent used Citrix for years.... where our terminals where being run off a citrix server. recently one of business software was playing up.. software support asked me to log onto a citrix webpage, downloaded the java app, and my PC (running XP) was then controlled by the citrix user at the other end (over the internet) to check out the prob. i thought that was pretty cool.
Technically what does an application see Hi, We have a program that Integrates Shopping Carts with QuickBooks. Many QuickBooks users run on the same hosted Citrix environment. Technically I am not sure what this means to our application. What is available or not available or should be used with caution? i.e. Is Program Files shared or is it out of reach? Should an app that might run for multiple clients on the same server use and write to Shared/public documents? Would each user overwrite the other? Anything else you can share? Thanks
its shit at my work, lags like a mofo, pc startup time is craptacular, and words appear 10 seconds after you type them, apparently bandwidth isnt the limiter for us (I have asked). I use my own laptop and remote into the citrix environment, at least that allows me to use the power of my own cpu to word process, and spreadsheet not some crappy share of some crappy underpowered server...
I used to use it a fair bit.....it was a very very good at what it did, however we were constrained by slow bandwidth issues over wan, so people got very frustrated with it and the layperson said it was "crap". Unfortunately that was their perception of it, without knowing the issues surrounding the connection speed.
The department of education and training uses Citrix for their Oasis terminals across all schools in nsw. Citrix seems fine, oasis is another story though.
I have used and administered citrix and if configured correctly it is very good at what is does. If you are having performance issue, are you on a thin client or running running virtualised apps or the whole desktop? How many users are connected to the server/farm as thet more users that connect the slower it gets... Well unless you have a very happy farm. I have heard the "we have heaps of bandwidth before" we current have 2 x 155MB internet connects at my work and I would say that is heaps and surfing/downloads are fast, except for when students are on campus and it is lunch time... it feels like we are on dial up!
Yeah we got that also, made it even worse around lunch times when people went straight on the net. As if it wasn't bad enough at non lunch time hours.
We use Citrix alot and are moving to a new 100% Citrix environment for end user. Aesomely for me, I got it working flawlessly under linux (ubuntu) so I am being allowed to run Linux on my work machine when we make the change.
Can you tell me about what an application can do or access? I believe it is a W2003 Server base???? If they are 'publishing apps' and the App ask an API via an SDK can a new app using the SDK still connection to the correct App. (We have an existing desktop app that does this and trying to find out if it will work in a Citrix Environment). Thanks
I'm surprised noone has mentioned XenServer. This could also be (loosely) referred to as a Citrix Environment, the same way an esx farm is referred to as a vmware environment.