How many bullshit variations of a Lance Corporal rank does this game have??? (don't think the US army even has that rank anymore)
Its just that I keep getting promoted but I'm still a Lance Corporal, but now i have a star or something..
i've been Colonel for awhile jelly much? havnet really played the game much since I had to setup the new XSPC H1 and the h20 that goes with it, took me like a week coz I just couldnt be assed
Cheers for the help guys! Will be on again tonight for a couple of hours, under Burningfeetman, so add me on Origin. I'd like to get into the Squad side of things, and will plug in my mic to make life easier too.
30 deaths with wallhax and aimbot? You must be a downer. It's okay the government has welfare support for people like you.
Are you fucking serious? I really wish they'd just ban you already, displaying that kind of shit here doesn't help the communities image at all.
Serious question - what satisfaction do you get from cheating? Wow, you have a high kdr, and a billion ribbons. Wow, you get a bazillion points every round, and unlock shit quicker than anyone else. But where is the challenge? How does cheating to get kills even make you feel good? Obviously you haven't got the better of your opponent on your own skills, so it must feel kinda cheap, shallow, and a little bit dirty. Or you're compensating for an incredibly small penis. Your parents must be so proud!
Did you not see the video of him doing shit with an old ps3 a few pages back? There is a reflection of him in the TV. Everything will become clear.
Why do you do this, does it make you feel better or something? You're ruining the game for everyone else on every server you play on. Getting headshotted across the map with an M249 isn't any fun. If you want to cheat, go right ahead, just do it in a private server, where you aren't pissing off other people with your stupidity and selfishness. I hope EA/Dice ban your account for violating ToS and any other games you have on your Origin account.
You will need to talk to live chat to get this in the proper channel, the report function on battleloig is only for bad content on the profile. go to and report him with the evidence.
cheers im ever closer to that 10k reports dogtag! unfortunately they wont do shit all. i've been hacking dice admins daily, reporting myself on the forums and they still refuse to ban me. its pretty sad really. my above post sums it all up pretty much. couldn't care less what people think obviously but i do get satisfaction in showing how shit the punkbuster system is coupled with the greedy EA/DICE who are pretty much useless and shouldn't even deserve to be paid for how useless they are at getting rid of people like me. especially given the fact i've been doing this since day 1.
Ive wondered this before. I imagine that the guys that write the cheats must feel a great sense of accomplishment. Theyre playing a different gameand I respect that. Write hack, hack gets patched, find a new weakness. Using someone elses cheats though is just being lame and surely must get boring.