I remember this goodie from back about a week after release. Bwahaha. Someone on here no doubt has his name and address
Everyone go here: http://getsatisfaction.com/battlefield3/topics/dice_please_ban_these_hackers And just spam the whole thread with reports of him. DICE seems to disagree: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654489459931603/ Although, they're pretty good at being completely fucking retarded. You think anyone believes that? If you didn't care what anyone thought of you then you wouldn't continually post here like some 16 year old girl in dire need of attention.
I'm a bit amazed people would bother staying in a game with hackers. 2 kills for 38 deaths I wouldn't waste my time. Although I have done a takedown on a knife hacker before. That felt damn sweet.
If someone behaves like this what makes you think he cares about what you say about/to him? the only thing he cares about is the attention. Hint: do not give him any, block/mute just ignore
yep no doubt, i've done plenty of trades on here. feel free to find out and "try" and do something about it. really dont understand why people get so worked up about it lol we live in a free society its my business what i spend my money on.
as i said above, my choice to spend my money on what i like. already have 4 other keys ready to go lol no need for that, if you really want to know just PM me or PM one of the many people i've done trades with would most likely tell you. What you expect to do with those details on the other hand would be interesting to know. (im sure i can make a youtube video of THAT as well for extra lols) im quite amazed people are getting so butt-hurt over a game lol, even hinting at actual physical violence. perhaps a few people need some therapy if you get this worked up over a game.
Very interesting, I just don't for the life of me understand why anyone would go through the bother of BUYING a hack and playing the game. There's zero sense of achievement, the amount of points you get is only controlled by how long you play. Kudos to you for not trying to hide the fact but I really sincerely am interested on what is going inside that hacking head of yours. What sort of satisfaction you get from playing when you KNOW without doubt you will win and are guaranteed a lot of points.
not you mate, but others like ^catalyst going on about getting images of my face and shit from my other youtube video, like seriously what is this CSI OCAU? gonna lynch mob me for hacking lol?
I think the more interesting thing here is the fact that this guy wants an NFL player's black cock in and around his mouth.
If you ignore his posts, he will simply become bored with the lack of response. Or you could keep fueling his fire... Your choice... I suggest -> fuck up and play the game!!!
got say mate could give a fuck if you cheat, just no way in hell would i even sell you the steam off my shit. wouldn't trust you and if your using two accounts on here well thats good you'll get a perma ban.