Yeah pretty much - camera sensors are getting cheaper and better and so are the processors needed for them to determine what they are looking at. With HD these days, you could probably encode something into the image (invisible to humans) specifically for the gun to look for to work out its exact co-ords on screen that its pointing at.
Mah, the Wii is a poor mans substitute for a decent light gun game. I had one, I sold it. Plain insulting for anyone who is a die-hard light gun fan. Speaking of which, if anyone needs a lightgun for an original xbox, I'm tempted to sell mine. We've got no CRT tv's left in the house, so unless I buy a 68cm tv, I can't see myself using it anytime soon.
120Hz monitor could do this quite easily. Like 3D technology giving 60Hz to left eye, 60Hz to right eye. I don't know how many frames you can sacrifice before you start to see the reference grids, though. Hmmm...
Hope your still using that lovely Beretta I sold you all those years ago. I loved that damn gun! Still don't know how i got it thru customs! Edit: Just read your other post. If thats the gun your talking about, I can vouch for its awesomeness
Anyone know a reputable company and a decent price for a 220-240v PSU for the Dreamcast? I bought a brand new one off eBay US a while ago and would love to get some light-gun action happening on that too. Speaking of which is the best light-gun for DC? and which other light-gun games besides HOD are on the DC?
Are you kidding? That thing is awesome. Sooo many hours of House of the dead.... You have no idea how much it tears me up not having any CRT tv's in the house anymore
They're not a hard thing to find if you really want another one. We toss them in the skip all the time.
I'll vote confidential mission but all the dreamcast light gun games I had worked a treat . I can't believe there are no decent light gun games anymore . The Wii sucks so badly I can't believe they even bothered with the light gun . You might as well be throwing balloons with the fan going full bore , It's just that inaccurate .
Aimtrack is great for a PC. It works on a similar concept to the Wiimote, and emulates a simple PC mouse input. Perfect for PC lightgun games (many of which allow mouse input) and emulators like MAME.
Does Aimtrak work on PS3? I just got one, and despite claims on the website, i can see no way of setting it up on there...
I can't verify because I don't own one, but I assume you'll need a lightgun compatible game (not a PS Move game, but a real lightgun game). Check out this list: And you're looking at anything that can work with a Guncon 3 or Top Shot Elite, most likely. Pretty keen to know how you go. I bought a second hand copy of Time Crisis 4 for PS3, and am really keen to play it with a real light gun. Apparently the PS Move is utter crap for lightgun game.
Hi Elvis I can confirm the PS move with associated gun attachments was total shite on PS3. I ended up getting rid of those bits from my system. The guy that runs the Aimtrak company said that Time Crisis 4 uses some special encryption, so only works with the Guncon 3 (legit version). Im yet to find any PS3 game that works with Aimtrak. There are plenty on PS2 including the time crisis series.
Ah, that sucks. Lightgun games rock, and they have totally died with this generation of consoles. They're still alive and kicking in arcades. There's a Ghost Squad sequel, some new House of the Dead games, the continuing Time Crisis series, and some very cool new Rambo and Terminator Salvation games. Hopefully the Wii U will continue the tradition of home ports of these.
Terminator Salvation Arcade looks awesome but gameplay is a bit sucky because the gun just doesnt feel accurate. Must be that whole nothing beats a CRT thing!
Any developments for lightgun fans over the past 4-7 years? Any tips on what to buy for the best cross-platform compatibility and are IR systems like Aimtrack any closer to the response of a CRT gun? I'm going to head out and do some retro Japan shopping next week and will probably try and chase down a Dreamcast + gun and reasonably priced gcon2/3 guns. My main interest is Virtual Cop & Time Crisis, it's a pity older versions weren't ported to the PS3 so I could just hook up a pair of GCon3's in the living room.
Ultimarc Aimtrak is still the gold standard for PC users. Highly configurable software, mouse emulation, and guns that have big fuck off solenoids that go "clack" satisfyingly on every trigger pull. If you're cheap, there's good development in WiiMote drivers on PC hardware, and using that as a pretty good light gun. Finding good casings for the WiiMotes can be difficult though. Outside of PC use, if you're on a console, you're SOL. Most of those games were hard-coded to accept specific guns, which generally means finding yourself a non-HD, non-100Hz proper 15KHz hsync CRT if you want to play light gun games. I was in Japan a couple of months back. I did most of my shopping in Tokyo and Kyoto's various retro gaming districts, but found zero light guns on my travels. Virtua Cop got a PC release way back. Maybe see if you can "acquire" that and test to see how it functions with a mouse on a PC, then use that as a guide to see if it's worth the Aimtrack/WiiMote version. Otherwise the current cheapest lightgun setup you can get is 1x Wii and 1x PS2 with all their combined lightgun games. The majority of PS2 light gun games can be played with either a Guncon1 or 2 (or any of the numerous clone guns, including an Aimtrak). No Virtua Cop there, however. But still a bunch of fun games.