RIP little Cory, it was just a fish but it was my responsibility and i failed. The rest seem happy so i'd like to shift blame to the gods.
Fish are very sensitive to sudden death, especially cories, you probably did nothing wrong. Sorry for your loss.
RIP Henry. We were 19 when you arrived to us by plane from Tamworth. Since then you’ve been with us for all the milestones we’ve reached in our adult lives from marriage, to parenthood and to our first home. I’m thankful your last moments were at home with us by your side. We love you buddy and we will always miss you.
It's been 2 weeks since my beloved Mabel the rabbit passed away. We got her in 2019 just before lockdown started, so spending all that time indoors with her led to an immense bond and a solid routine. I take comfort in the fact that she is now playing with Hershey and Joseph at the rainbow bridge. Going around the house and still seeing evidence of past bunstruction still brings tears to my eyes.
Sorry for your loss. At my mums house there's still evidence of my old rabbit Flopsy's destruction 20 years later
A post I hate making but it needs to be done. RIP Zeus my love. I was hoping he'd buck the trend with DDB and live a long life and pass as a grey old man but sadly cancer got him and he went approximately the same age most of his breed go and we lost him at 6 Run free across the rainbow bridge my love. I miss you already