These guys are in Brisbane|tkp:BlBMUO6ehcrIYw|tkp:BlBMUO6ehcrIYw!5000!AU!-1&itmprp=enc:AQAJAAAAwCMcB/55UpF3r+Ab0CX07LNKk+Ys3VijfP9eeWlrVXmyzgUgxn2JDc3pNM5Jb52yL9sYN2kzW/18oodhY8EJLRpGZBq0fYHCDJOpMYIyrh/SGjGnMWyG+TYzS9s0qsxenH69FDmT+ggCIj1Gfq0foXGDIk0fWerZp9qBdIS7YBGUqYeEpXgh8PyoX+jlOjVPkKA9qpG6NPqlAHWYyexAI55CAHtMB1/1Se5CSiFlWvSzjIzi9VsN4ZImSuPcPqfwkA==|tkp:BlBMUO6ehcrIYw|tkp:Bk9SR-6ehcrIYw|tkp:BlBMUPCehcrIYw|tkp:Bk9SR-6ehcrIYw
Hello, I am looking to upgrade my speakers to try something new and different for my PC and new TV setup. I am looking to tread into the budget audiophile realm and experience something new. I currently have the Logitech X-530. I have had them for the last 15 years and have done the job. I am looking to update them with something that works for both desk PC and TV usage. I listen to things at a low volume as I live in a unit complex. My desk is large and located in a corner of a large living room. On the weekends, I watch movies with my partner seated at the opposite wall, currently on my monitor but will be installing a TV above my desk for that purpose. I would prefer the speakers to be stand alone and not require an external DAC/AMP/Sub as it complicates all the options (and all new to me), but I am open to suggestions on that front and will take advice on what to get for those options to complete the setup. More likely wanting a sub to have a 2.1 system. Due to living in a unit complex I listen to everything at low volume so good low volume performance is important to me. My audio sources are typically streamed (YouTube, Spotify etc) and audio for movies from rips of my collection. Bluetooth connectivity would be nice to have but not absolutely required and from what I understand can be added externally if it becomes a requirement for me. My budget is kind of flexible with a max upper limit of around $1500. I live rural so finding something used is difficult, although in a next few weeks I will be traveling to Brisbane that has a couple used options both powered and passive. Most of those options vary in price: DYNAUDIO Excite X 18 ($1200), DYNAUDIOExcite x16 + x22 center ($1300), JBL LSR305 MKII + LSR310S + cables setup ($1500), Kef Q350 + Atacama Moseco 6 stands + NAD C325BEE amp and Schiit Modi 3 DA ($1500). Those are examples of what I can see in the used market in Brisbane. There does not seem to be too much else available. A lot of those listed are probably overkill but it is what I have to work with currently. I had heard many good things about the JBL LSR305 MKII, I have however heard that it can have a hiss when nothing is playing, which could get annoying as I would be directly in front of them at my desk. I don't really like the look of them as well, with the glossy plastic and its overall look. Some examples of what I can get new online are: JBL LSR305 MKII ($400), Mackie MR524 ($600), Audioengine A5+/Wireless ($600)(not leaning towards these), Audioengine HD6 ($800), Klipsch RP-600M ($1350). I just do not know what would be appropriate for the use case I am going for to judge what I should aim for. I just wanted to give you all as much info as possible to help with recommendations. I would love to see what options the knowledgeable folk here can point me towards <3
You could get away with a set of Edifier S351db, they'd do the job. If going monitors definitely step up to the 6.5". Yamaha HS7 or the JBLs in 6.5. You'll want a balanced DAC for these. You could probably find a complete 5.1 setup second hand including subwoofer if you were patient. Or you could go all out and get an SVS SB1000 and use that with your monitors. It'll make the JBL sub seem like a cheap little toy. I'd try and get a receiver, good bookshelves and the SVS SUB.
For the same price I think you can get better sound out of a separate system. Easier to upgrade/ replace parts too. I think the Kef + NAD + Schiit + stand setup is pretty good, though if you don't need the stand / are willing to go for older speakers you can probably save yourself another few hundred. I'd definitely go for this over the Audioengine HD6. Is the JBL set under warranty? If not probably not a good deal, you're not getting much discount off the retail price of the speakers (~$1600). Not sure how much the cables are worth. Sub placement is also potentially tricky, so wouldn't go down this route if you want to save hassle. I have no personal experience with the DYNAUDIO Excite series but have read great things about them. It's all-in-one too so very easy to setup and use. Flip side is if one part fails it's as good as gone, and there's nothing you can do if you don't like DYNAUDIO's sound signature.
Thank you both for your replies it has been helpful, that is the direction I have been leaning towards as I have been thinking about it some more. I think I would prefer to stick to 2.1 or even 3.1 for a center channel at most. I will def keep an eye out for that sub as it does appear to be similar in price to the JBL one and I like the look of it more. I really do like the look of the KEF Q350's the more I look at them, and might try get them in white. It can be a bit difficult to tell if I like any sound signature of any brand of speakers given that I am not able to listen to any locally where I am. Would either of you have any recommendations for a Amp/Dac (is this the receiver component you mentioned?) combo unit with Bluetooth (compact preferable but open to either), as I do not really want multiple separate components.
SMSL AO300 Or you go full size up to a Yamaha stereo receiver or an ATMOS/DTS X capable receiver like the RX-V6A. The JBL sub is absolutely pitiful in comparison with the SVS. The SVS will hit hard at 20hz, the JBL will be silent at 20hz.
That looks pretty nice and seems perfect, I am just wondering about the screen that it appears in the pictures to be all black but in videos of the unit it is very visible and unpleasant looking, or would that just be the cameras picking the display up wrong? Product image of screen vs pictures of reviews with the screen as it would turn me off of it as that screen would be on all the time. The full size receivers you mentioned are very dear in comparison to the SMSL.
He states most of his listening is done at lower volumes. So I doubt a punchy 20Hz is something he's looking for.
From what I can find online the A300 has an OLED screen and the AO300 has an IPS screen. Just to cover my bases and to have as many options, are there any other dac/amp combos you could recommend?
20hz is not "punchy". 20hz is getting near subsonic. Would you buy the JBL over the SVS? The JBL costs more and is pathetic in comparison. Do you like paying more for less or something? Audio devices have a volume dial for a reason, sometimes you want it loud, sometimes quiet. Wiim has an offering that is pretty good too, the SMSL is the best you can get IMO. You've been recommended the latest, cream of the crop in that price bracket. These are the first devices of their kind to hit the market with HDMI in. Otherwise you're in full receiver territory...
A stereo receiver is basically an amplifier with built-in tuner, only necessary if you listen to the radio. If you want more than 2.1 you'd need an AV receiver (AVR), even an entry level one will give you 5.1 channels. There are lots of DAC/Amp options, what is your budget after reserving for your speaker of choice? And do you need a USB DAC, or will optical (TOSLINK) do the job? For USB DAC-amp there are lots of options from Topping and SMSL around the $200-$300 mark new, but I'm pretty sure they are all stereo and not all have Bluetooth. I'm not aware of any AVR with USB input at that price point, but most have optical inputs. There's a Yamaha for sale on the forum recently I believe. I had a Denon for sale before that too. These would all fit in the same price range. Will you be using this more for music or movies? If music I wouldn't bother with a sub, spend that extra budget on the speakers. Subs are great for listening to movie explosions but integrating them for smooth music reproduction is much more difficult.
Probably say $500 max and it would need to be USB as I do not have an optical port on my PC. The Bluetooth is so my partner can play her music from Spotify on the speakers when she is over (just making sure thats how the Bluetooth would work on the DAC/AMP for this purpose). Mostly music as I would only be watching the occasional movie on the weekend, I was going to save getting a sub for later as I dont particularly like a lot of bass and the KEF Q350's comments say it has a fair bit already in the speakers which is probably enough for me. It would be nice to have the option for the future to have a sub but likely wont be needed. Also that I am in a unit complex and I have neighbors.
I think it comes down to how many channels you want then. For stereo you can get an all-in-one box from Topping or SMSL for around $300, plenty to choose from. If you're willing to spend more I'd go separate DAC and amplifier. You can pick up a decent DAC for cheap used (like this one on the forum). You might even find a two-zone amplifier with the remaining budget. If you want more than stereo you'll have to go separate at your budget. There's a used Pioneer for sale here. Might do the trick.