They are 110 EUR now and a new batch of PCMIDI cards are currently available for order (I saw notification of this on the Serdaco mailing list).
A lot of the time, yes. But less likeable than audiophiles and often with even more outrageous claims and pretentiousness.
Shinobi has been ported to the NeoGeo. Why!? don't ask me However, it works, appears to be a perfect conversion and i've tested it in my real neogeo cab. The author literally decompiled the original and recompiled it for neogeo.. so begs the question can he do that for any system 16 game? Probably can, should you?.. i'm not sure. It feels kind of weird seeing Shinobi come up on my multislot neogeo as it cycles through attract modes.. (i loaded it onto a multicart). Info here Video here
I dunno if this counts as news, but I'm still somewhat hoping an experienced board designer will pick up on my little project and recreate/design a new pentium-pro>tualatin board. I picked the p2b mainly because it was the first boardview of that era I came across. The p2b at this point only needs to be wired if someone wants a pure duplicate. Ideally I'll get the schematic nailed down and then we're really in business - albeit a lot of components don't have values in the bom. Some because they're connectors, which is fine. Some because they weren't in the final board according to pictures - again fine. But, it looks like pretty much all throughhole components are missing which is fine on caps, but less fine on inductors. How many Henry's do we need? Is 1 Henry Cavil enough? How do I solder him? His legs are too big!
Sipeed are a Chinese maker of single board computers, IoT and embedded platforms, RISC-V chips, and low cost FPGA systems. Their "Tang" line of budget FPGA chips has been getting a bit of interest of from a couple of open source developers. That's led them to release their "Sipeed Tang Console" FPGA platform: This isn't MiSTer compatible like (the ridiculously named) MiSTer Pi. It's a very different system, and "cores" have to be specifically ported over to it. But so far there's quite a few options. Check out GitHub user account "nand2mario" as one of the most active developers. Any one of their repos with the word "tang" in it is a core they're working on: Best of all is the price. Some of the smaller Tang FPGA chips (their 20K or 25K models) aren't big enough to run anything larger than 8 bit systems, and won't do all the fancy screen effects (just straight up unfiltered 3x integer scale to 720p output), but even then if you wanted to set one up as a "stocking filler" present for someone, they're beginning to get cheap enough even for that. (The Aussie dollar kind of stinks a bit at the moment though, sadly). Great to see more budget FPGA stuff appearing out there. If you're super impatient and want to try this now, you can buy their existing FPGA devices from AliExpress, and flash them from the GitHub repos I linked above (dig through each repo for the supported boards and addons you need): But their more user-friendly "Tang Console" won't be shipping until March, according to their site.
I've been watching these guys since they made the video a few days ago. I'm not super optimistic because there is a huge lack of panel stats provided. On the other hand i am super supportive of them doing this. I hope they can make something good. They do provide boards on their website for purchase to convert 15/24/31 kHz to connect arcade boards to their displays. How they get 4:3 displays at the physical sizes they are selling i don't know, and this it the big thing i'm interested in. I'd love to modify my arcadeworx neogeo build and swap out the monitor with a proper 4:3 display. If i need to cut the wooden frame around it to make it work, it's worth it IMO.
Dino Crisis 1 and 2 are now available on GOG: Modernised and revamped for all to be played on all modern PC systems. Love GOG's preservation program. PS. EVERYONE vote for No One Lives Forever!!! Source:
Nintendo 64 & SNES January 2025 - Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack Updates: Ridge Racer 64: FATAL FURY 2, Sutte Hakkun, and Super Ninja Boy: Fatal Fury 2 just ahead of Mai Shiranui's release for Street Fighter 6, and of course RIIIIIIDGE RACER! PS. everyone play Sutte Hakkun it's an awesome puzzler for Super Famicom exclusive to the SatellaView add on and very very cool.
As a Jaguar fan, I am excited by the below but can’t help that feel $39 US would be a better price. I want to get an offical Atari Kart but $89 US feels a little high for a licensed re-issue. Good to see ideas like this getting legs though.
There are a bunch of Atari ST ports for Jaguar on for $70USD - Check the list here a bunch of games link to a purchase from AtariAge. This was about 10 years ago but they're still for sale. Milking it a bit i think lol
Kinda weird that, so many OG psx’s out there in the wild, you’d wonder if there is a niece (nfi how to spell that) for such a product. Do the OG boards suffer from electrolysis rot? Or built during the notorious capacitor deadite age?
After finally giving the original arcade version a proper go recently, I have been in a bit of a Ridge Racer collection journey. Had the N64 copy turn up recently, will be good to compare how the original feels vs the Switch emulation approach.