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Linux Gaming

Discussion in 'Other Operating Systems' started by GumbyNoTalent, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. StOo_Burger

    StOo_Burger Ex-Admin

    Jun 27, 2001
    Gin Gin, QLD
    Hey guys,

    Sorry to be a pain, but I need help!

    Diablo 3 started giving me a VCRUNTIME104_1.DLL error, which escalated into a "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)" error, so I decided to install Nobara instead of re-installing Windows (Yay, right?)

    I did some research and thought Bottles was a great idea.

    But I can't install the Battle.net installer in my bottle, and it's making me sad.

    It nearly gets done installing, but then gives me a BLZBNTBTS0000005C error.

    Would anyone be able to help me fix this? I'm a total noob, so may need some hand holding.

    Kind regards,
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2025
  2. flu!d

    flu!d Motoring and Intel forum admin

    Jun 27, 2001
    BattleNet's working perfectly here under Bottles, I just did the latest update just in case and it's still running fine. Make sure you aren't using soda as your runner (it's selected by default when installing BattleNet vis the script under Bottles).

    Under the main screen that appears when you launch Bottles, click the three dots a the top of the screen, select 'Preferences'. Once this is done, select the 'Runners' tab, click on Proton GE and select ge-proton9-23 to download it. Once downloaded, open your Bottle, go to settings, and select your runner as ge-proton9-23.

    I hope this helps, feel free to ask questions.

  3. StOo_Burger

    StOo_Burger Ex-Admin

    Jun 27, 2001
    Gin Gin, QLD
    Hi mate,

    Really appreciate the help!!

    Yeah, I did all of that, it was just failing at 95% of the installation.

    But I tried it again, all the same settings and it worked!

    Thank you so much!

    Time to install D3 :D

    Kind regards,
    flu!d likes this.
  4. StOo_Burger

    StOo_Burger Ex-Admin

    Jun 27, 2001
    Gin Gin, QLD
    BTW, it works GREAT!

    Almost as smooth as Winblows.
    flu!d likes this.
  5. flu!d

    flu!d Motoring and Intel forum admin

    Jun 27, 2001
    Diablo 3 runs great under Linux. :thumbup:
  6. FerrisXB9R

    FerrisXB9R Member

    Jan 18, 2005
    Esk, QLD
    Being ultra lazy, and having used it on and off for a couple of decades now, I threw the latest LTS of Ubuntu onto a spare M2 SSD on my rig to see if I could game on it. Less fiddling than ever before to get Steam going and into a game (DayZ in this instance). I need to go back to Windows, move all my shit around to my data drive (I'd gotten lazy in the past year and started installing stuff onto my OS drive instead of clearing space on my data one) and prepare to just jump ship completely.

    Reason I use Ubuntu is I've largely got a litmus test for how "ready" it has been as a daily driver replacement over the years. Invariably I tend to roll up a super snazzy Arch Linux install and feel all smug and superior until I break something beyond my experience and skill level to fix.

    Only issues so far: HDR support is pretty shit. Weyland isn't great, gone back to X11.

    I need to wrap my head around flatpaks and snaps. Or is the general consensus to eschew snaps?
  7. cvidler

    cvidler Member

    Jun 29, 2001
    HDR is still coming - to Wayland (big code set added in the past couple weeks actually), never will in X11. I still daily X11. it still does things Wayland never will.

    community support seems to be behind flatpak. I'm always cautious around things canonical invents - they've a bad habit of just abandoning them.

    having said that - if there's a RPM (I'm on Fedora) I'll use that instead of a flatpak - despite the 'Software' app preferring flatpaks. Don't want the bloat of a packaged app when there's a native packaging system option.
    knoted likes this.
  8. flu!d

    flu!d Motoring and Intel forum admin

    Jun 27, 2001
    Yep, I'm also back to X11. Wayland's improving, but it still hasn't reached feature parity with X11 regarding functionality that should exist under any modern OS (like, remembering window geometry and location on the desktop). Furthermore, under many titles, native X11 still performs better than xwayland - With none of the mouse capture issues present running multi monitor Wayland.
  9. cvidler

    cvidler Member

    Jun 29, 2001
    That's my "no deal" issue with Wayland. If Wayland can't fix it*, the DE's should.

    I've got 2 4k monitors, 20 virtual desktops and literally dozens of windows across all of that. reboot, and X11 dutifully puts everything back in place on the right virtual desktop, the right (or left) monitor, the right location, size, and state (minimised, normal, maximised, z-order).

    Wayland is all herp derp here's all your 100 application windows on the one screen, one desktop, all cascaded like when you win at Windows solitaire. No, no no. that's broken Wayland.

    my other dislike (it's not a deal breaker, but none the less, it'd be nice for it to work), middle click to lower a window in the stack. same reason why it doesn't work. apparently clicking the title bar or a window goes to the application not the compositor and thus isn't handled cause app can't lower itself.

    * I both understand and don't understand why, they for security 'reasons' won't let an application have control over it's window, only the compositor can move/size it.
    flu!d likes this.
  10. flu!d

    flu!d Motoring and Intel forum admin

    Jun 27, 2001
    The problem with Wayland is the fact devs went full reverse. X11 wasn't perfect, but it was functional with the exception of mixed size/orientation/refresh rate monitors - Surely they didn't need to reinvent the wheel with no more than a stripped out protocol. In terms of security, I believe you stated it perfectly in the past: If there's malware on your system, you're already pwned - Wayland ain't gonna save the day.

    Wayland is improving, at slightly faster than snails pace now. I just can't believe I still encountered issues regarding mouse capture, as well as notable performance regressions running games under Wayland. Switching to X11 provides a notable performance improvement regarding a number of titles - Some titles insisted on running at the refresh rate of the monitor even though I had 'allow tearing in full screen applications' set to enabled and no vsync enabled in game.
    Last edited: Sunday at 8:06 PM

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