Anyone know if the Intel X9000 Extreme CPU will run in a Lenovo R61e 7650-83M Thinkpad? I have updated to the latest BIOS already, and it has the Intel GM965 chipset.
No one then? Hmmmm... I'm guessing that there's a risk with the heat, as the laptop's CPU cooler wasn't made with the X9000 in mind. Then there's the BIOS, which probably will stop the benefit of the X9000 model as I doubt there is the ability to alter the clock. But on the other hand the chipset supports the 800MHz FSB CPU's which the X9000 is 1 of, and so should therefore work, just not to it's full potential.
You have to double check what chipset is uses and if it supports that processor, also consider how much more power will use compared to the current processor in there the last thing you want is overheating issues. If that same model comes with a X9000 CPU then it shouldn't be a problem, the biggest issue is pulling the thing apart.
i would believe an x9000 will fit into the r61e being a socket p and the gm965 chipset supporting 800mhz fsb but as said above heat maybe a problem even though its a penryn and also not sure if the bios contains the information to support the x9000. i think the t9500 would be a better choice. Otherwise all the merom/penryn family will work heres a nice little read for you on page 4 some guy even shows you how to upgrade the cpu in the r61e
Yeah, cheers for that link. I've been doing some reading and the heatsink seems to be designed for TDP of 35W as that is what the CPU's that are avaliable from factory put out (that's not necesarily to say that the CPU cooler couldn't handle more though - it is the coolest running laptop I've owned so far). The X9000 can be up to 45W though. Anyways, I'm going to give it ago. If it doesn't work out then I'll look at trading the X9000 for a Tsomething or other. The X9000 is way overkill for me, it's more of a case of because I can than anything else (or in this case because I might be able to). Will let you know how it goes.
It will be a no go man. Bios wont recognize it causing no boot and it will overheat. Yes i do work for Lenovo so i know this
Well turns out that I'm not the first person to look at doing this, it's been done before. abarth from the notebook review has done it on his Lenovo R61e 7650-8RG. Says that the Feb 2008 BIOS recognises it. Needles to say, my X9000 is now on it's way...
How is the performance ? ... I'm considering one for my T61p What temps are you getting? ... my T8100 idles around 50*C ... I think it's because of the video card though.. they run on the same heatsink.
Just installed it. And my main response is WOW! Previously I have upgraded the HDD to a faster Seagate model with larger cache and higher rpm, upgraded the RAM from 1GB to 3GB, and a larger battery. But the difference from the Celeron M 540 to this X9000 is extreme!!! Previously the laptop would have a flat spot when turning on and loading windows, they'd be a period were it was all too much for it to handle and you had to wait while it got itself together (possibly due to Vista) - this is gone, the boot up time is now about a third. Idle temperature is 5 - 10* LOWER (yes, the higher perforamcen CPU which I was worried about heat issues is running cooler). I havn't tried it with anything strenuious (spelling?), and don't plan on since all I do is use the laptop for the net and Word (for uni). I did refresh the Windows Experience Index, and during the CPU assessment is peaked at 65*C (only for a short second). Definately worth the $399.00 (yes, I bought an engineering sample). I have now spent more on upgrading this laptop than I did on purchasing it. Should have bought a T61 to begin with really... There is one downside - because I have an older Santa Rosa board, made for the Merom chips, they use an analogue thermal sensor, which the later P-whatever chips don't, they use digital, so I get an annoiying Thermal Sensor Error message on start up and have to hit ESC.
Idle at 35*C both cores. Cooler than my Intel Celeron 540 M used to (that generally was at or above 40*C). My R61e has the crappy graphics, so I don't know how that effects it...