Hi all As per a suggestion from this post by Urban Jungle, I decided to start up a thread where anyone can swap/trade/give-away plants. Post up what you've got, what you want etc etc. Basically the same as the Fish Swap thread but concentrating only on plants. Cheers, Sam
Just a reminder that us Tassie boys can only trade with ourselves or send plants out. We cant receive them from interstate due to Customs laws.
I'm interested in getting some plants! I need some like these ones on the RHS, they seem to be the only things that grow well in my tank... no idea what species they are - anyone got them??? Click to view full-sized image! Hosted by UGBox Image Store Click to view full-sized image! Hosted by UGBox Image Store Click to view full-sized image! Hosted by UGBox Image Store Click to view full-sized image! Hosted by UGBox Image Store
They look like Swords, Ive got a massive one at home i was thinking of uprooting. Great thread I havent updated my tank threads for months so ill do that this weekend and see what plants ive got to trade away
My Java ferns have always got babies coming off them. Usually 3 or 4 leaves at 1-2cm long on each plant before they detach from the parent. Have about 6 atm if anyone wants them. You can figure out the postage from Chatswood if you have nothing to trade . I figured we would send any plants in a clipseal bag with a bit of arir in it and then shove it into one of the expressed payed thingos at the post office?
Yeah i just put mine inside damp newspaper, then seal in a Glad lock bag and whack it in any envelope. Good as gold Ill have a shitload of crypts, some native snails, native milfoil and some Rotala SP green for trade/swap.
Keep me posted on all the plants as I shall soon be setting up a new tank and also adding some more plants into my current one (can anyone say Multiple Tank Syndrome?). Cheers, Sam
Not a problem Ill be updating my thread over the next week and posting up pics, you will be surprised at how my crypts have multiplied and the Milfoil is going nutss Ill probably be making an order from Aquagreen in the next month or so, and i always get way more than i need so im happy to swap/donate that to the cause as well
Can I put a placeholder on half a dozen crypts, and some rotala? I just had a massive prune though. Haven't got much left to trade. My planted tank is somewhat empty at the moment, tbh. My time and funds have been majorly diverted
Ditto. I have some funds at the moment. Worst case is I'll be able to pay in full on thursday of next week.
Its cool my forest seriously doesnt take long to get back up to full strength Once ive updated my thread, and i see what ive got (as i pruned a whole lot off lately that wasnt good enough to trade) Then im happy to donate some away to good causes (if you pay postage) Id say ill have a post up with pics etc by the end of the week
I should have enough to accomodate both See how we go, hehe well the Rotala has some new growth but original stems arent too pretty. Ive got a massive sword i want to move. The Milfoil is looking healthy from the new shoots and Its Crypt Wendii
I can, but i have to take them and then post process them If i get a chance tonight ill do it otherwise it'll have to be later in the week. Ive done a bit clean up tonight, you might need to wait a few weeks as i dont want to give anyone else algae The crypts look ok but the Rotala and the Milfoil had some buildup It was a jungle ive just massacred it back Patience Padawan
I've just got neither the energy, the money or the time to do much aquarium stuff at the moment. Perhaps when I do, i'll finally post pics!
Been a bit like that for me of late Ill get some pics done this week i promise, just too busy with work to even think about it once i get home. Cheers
mmm anyone in melb want to trade? been throwing out heaps over the past few months, thought i might give this trade thing a go... preferably melb s.e probably no interstaters atm cos im pretty busy what ive got is: glosso - unavailable atm due to replanting them but i threw out heaps =\ maple sword amazon sword green/red rotala lace fern java fern x100 or more... from tiny to large, maybe should get rid of some hairgrass duckweed few others ones, forgot the names but im looking maybe crypts, Madagascar, some other red plants or guppies