I put all my dahua, hik, smart lighting, etc on a different subnet to the PC's & NAS, that's about as far as my care goes.
can you not do option 2, but run two cables upstairs, instead of needing another switch? seems a bit overkill to do an upstairs switch just to...
Is that the kind of molex you get with a lot of Remote control car batteries? It's got a double insulated symbol on it, so the earth pin is pointless
Probably not going to be shielded cable installed in a house, unless OP specifically asked for it. What brand is the patch panel? what brand is...
AP was set to issue IPs to try and force them into the correct subnet, that was before I'd discovered the 2nd router that was the root of the...
It has to be number 2, cabling is 100% as described, router 2 even shows the 192 subnet in it's WAN IP address via webui
All 3 are different SSID's/passwords, not that big that it needs a consultant, it's just a fancy residential high rise with a lot of cameras
Have an issue with a network on a jobsite i work at, there's currently two routers (one in comms room and one in an office) It has been set up...
Surely you're not hiring a fusion splicer and test gear to terminate a single fibre in a domestic setting? chuck on a quick termination and plug...
can you just run them direct connect without a switch on a seperate subnet and keep their current network connection for internet/access to rest...
just get a shit old camera with RCA and plug it straight into the TV :lol:
they were on a current affair for ripping off customers, especially pensioners. (Metropolitan plumbing & electrical) charged an 80 year old lady...
sounds cheap, try metropolitan electrical if you really want to get shafted :lol:
I'm guessing you mean the NHP NL120? I'd go either the NHP or a clipsal WHB320. The hager is a thinner plastic and the walls bend easier/just...
have you tried plugging things directly into the UDM SE's ports? or is everything into the 48 port switch?
Most houses without combos are done like this in melbourne, only ever come across one or two 63a rcd's in my time, almost always 40's, I'm...
what about just using tailscale and sharing via smb? could make a dummy gmail account to log in on all the devices so you don't have to share your...
I used to have 2x norco 4224's fully populated. Decided to cut down on the powerbills so now I just run an 8bay synology with a mix of 10-14TB...
the new legrand flush mount lithium ones are super cheap compared to other flush detectors (cheaper than clipsal and the clipsal ones aren't even...
https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/at-work/nbn-co-splashes-out-437000-on-coffee/news-story/fc2f95e6229c142a39fa11afab4bdf6d I bet anything that...