Sonic 3 carnival night zone act 2. That F%$#ing barrel. [MEDIA]
Bugger, I'm out of town for the week. Not that lugging 80+kgs down stairs sounds like fun.
Used "new" 3ds xl, will post, $120
"Make an offer" for an IBM ThinkPad with dock, keyboard, screen. Cheap og Xbox out in the sticks. Needs a clean and a figure 8 power... GBA and a few GB/DS games for $40...
Had a day off so I was back down in the shed again today. A while ago I came across a Gameboy that had serious battery corrosion to the point that...
Found my old Xbox in the shed a while ago. Time to see how it's getting on after all these years. [ATTACH] Ok so I remember doing this and...
I was digging around in the back of the shed and found this box. It would have been there since I moved in here nearly 7 years ago. I thought this...
Reshelled a DS lite into an atomic(ish) purple shell. The victim [ATTACH] Wait, no I'm the victim here. Right about now I was remembering a...
Had a day off and was over the south side so I called in to Eddie's "just to have a look". I was pleasantly surprised. I was kind of expecting...
I remember the original unreal engine loved glide. The opengl and d3d renderers almost seemed like afterthoughts.
It's a bit of a black box but here's a thing that does a thing with varying degrees of success. [MEDIA]
I've been collecting and modding Gameboys lately. One model missing from my collection was the micro. So after a couple glasses of red I jump on...
After reshelling and IPS modding a few DMG Gameboys before Christmas I had a bunch of original cases and LCD boards and one last complete DMG...
Had an hour to spare last night so I gave this tired old Gameboy pocket a birthday. The shell was faded pretty badly and unevenly and the screen...
It was a bit of a trick question. We all know atomic purple is the best colour for a Nintendo console. Speaking of which, I got a second atomic...
What's your favorite color?
It's not what I'm getting for Christmas but what I'm giving. I got a bunch of dmg, pocket, color and advance Gameboys from Japan a while ago and...
I'm stockpiling for when my boys are old enough and will definitely have an interest in what will be 35+ year old tech. It's not even for me. Not...