SO today I made these. My partner recently kinda discovered he's gluten intolerant, looking for things that work well with gluten free flour, found a recipe for egg and bacon scones and changed it a bit, removed cream and added avocado and sour cream, etc etc. These worked fantastically! 2 cup plain flour (gluten free works well also) 1 tbs baking powder 6 short cut bacon rashers 6 eggs 1 avocado 1/2 cup sour cream 2 tbspoon butter t large tomato, diced 1 cup cheese salt+pepper Mix flour, baking powder, 3 eggs, sour cream and avacardo Part cook bacon, add remaining 3 eggs and LIGHTLY scramble (still very runny) add to flour mixture Add cheese, tomato and salt/pepper to taste put in 180degree oven until golden brown. Batch makes ~15 muffins (1st number's WHOLE batch :| 2nd is about 1 muffin!) Calories 2637| 175.9 Carbs 287| 19.1 Fat 117| 7.8 Protein 92| 6.3 Iron 29| 1.9 Calcium 84| 5.6 shitty iPhone photo Click to view full size!
Interesting choice adding the avocado. I would never have thought about putting it in with sour cream as a substitute for cream. Did you leave it as chunks or did it just blend in with the flour?
I made this on the weekend and they are awesome! I had to substitute milk for the sour cream, becuase I couldn't be arsed going to the super market. I also added some black olive slices and and some chilli flakes. I answer to someone, I mashed my 'cado up. Great recipe
Made these yesterday afternoon, all gone by this morning haha. Read the bacon part wrong. I used middle bacon, so they were very bacony. Yum yum
Another Photo, bit too much tomato made them, fall apart a bit :| Click to view full size! *ones on the right are different ololol
You know those mornings when you really want bacon and eggs but can't be arsed cooking them? Bambi has just saved us all. Must try, will report back. Thanks!