Assuming windows 9x? Try reserving IRQ 5 and DMA 1 for ISA devices .. prevent auto-allocation of these resources. The DOS compatibility stuff...
I agree, C128Ds are awesome. My closest experience to that age would be the lab of BBC Micro's we had in primary school. Along with the single...
Multimedia PC's started for me in early 486 era, when sound cards and CD-ROMs started being more common. You would get the odd "Multimedia PC"...
What is sad is that these days we know that these old power supplies are absolutely not worth the worry and reverence we had. Most were built...
Oh nice, My voodoo 2 SLI rig: P3 Celeron 850mhz Gigabyte GA-6BX7+ motherboard ( 128Meg...
Upgraded my two Voodoo 2 cards from 8meg to 12meg each: Process steps: a) apply flux to memory solder pads and then using solder wick to remove...
Unfortunately, All of those are extremely old, from 1989 to 1993. They will be dead (or extremely close to it). You can tell by the dates on the...
It actually works: SB mode -> Prince of Persia, Planet X3, Bubble bobble. CMS mode -> Prince of Persia. Haven't tested any other modes yet, but I...
I'll have to test my PicoGUS in my 10mhz XT and see how it does, I just got my second one a couple of days ago!
I have an 1084S, 1 nice SVGA screen, 1 crap SVGA screen, and a 50cm TV. That is more than enough CRTs for one person. At least that is what I...
Already have a small storage unit. I'm already in over my head (but not so far that it will turn into a Hoarders episode, at least not yet!)
Haha, I do have lots of stuff in my boxes. Hoarding genetics and all. Hence my resistance to just going out and buying crap, especially if it...
Lol, probably costs $700 or something ridiculous now ... with $150 postage of course! Ebay got itself expensive!
I had the 640meg version. There was a slower (cheaper) 320meg version of the 8800GTS. I decided to spend up good and proper on my first Core 2 and...
You will want something like 400C on your soldering iron for working with motherboards. You might get away with less, but don't fall into the...
Looks the same as mine. It has difficulty getting enough heat into big motherboards, you end up cranking them up, then you end up ripping out pads...
Be very careful with the desoldering station. I tend to break too many traces and do lots of damage to the solder mask with mine for some reason....
Yep, my last 486 motherboard was a PCI board I had to fix the 3.3V regulator on and then remove all the fake cache chips on and install real ones....
Hmmm, 3300uF for those 2 capacitors ... are there more of those capacitors about. You can definitely go higher, but not lower. They are probably...
That is just rude of SGI. I guess you have to back the chip up before you mod it. (and keep the backup for later as well)